How to share your goodiepack via SMS


There are two different sharing options via text. When using the first option the phone number of the guest will NOT be saved and it will not be possible to track their use of the goodiepack. When using the second option the guest’s phone number will be saved and it’ll then be possible to teck the guest’s use of the goodiepack. The two options will be described in this article.

Note: Your goodiepack has to be active before you can share it. If you make any changes in the goodiepack after you’ve shared it with the recipients the changes will automatically be registered without you having to create a new link or send a new text with the goodiepack.

Step 1 - Go to ‘3. share’

To share your goodiepack you have to click on 3. Share in the menu at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Step 2 - Name your link

The first thing you have to do is to name your link. You do that by filling out the field below Create public link. What you write here should be related to the name of your company so the user can recognize it.

Tip: Make it short and easy to read for your guests.

Then click on Save to the right of the text field.

In the following the two sharing options will be described.

Sharing option 1 - Share public link to individuals

Using this sharing option the guest’s phone number will NOT be saved and the guest’s use of the goodiepack can’ be tracked.

Step 1 - Go to ‘Share public link to individuals’

Scroll to the box called Share public link to individuals.

Step 2 - Name the sender of the text

First off you have to name who the text is coming from. You do that by filling out the text field below From and what you fill in here will appear as sender of the text on the recipient’s phone. Therefore, it should have a relation to the name of the company or be recognizable in some other way. The sender name can contain a maximum of 11 characters.

Step 3 - Write text

Then you have to write a text in the text field below Text. The link to your goodiepack will automatically be added at the bottom of the text so you can advantageously end the text with a colon.

Make sure to have some kind of call to action in the text that encourages the recipient to click the link. You can read our tips for a good text message in this article.


Dear guest

We’re excited to see you tomorrow.

Here you can find information and customize your stay:

(Link to the goodiepack that will automatically be added)

Above the text field you can see Characters left followed by a number that states how many characters you have left to fit the text in one text message. If you type in more characters that the number stated to the right of Characters left your text will fill two text messages and you'll thereby have to pay double SMS rate.

Step 4 - Save

When you’ve filled in who the text is from and written a text you have to click Save.

Step 5 - Share goodiepack

You can now share your goodiepack by typing in the phone number of the guest in the field below To.

Then click on Send GoodiePack below the field.

Step 6 - Open sharing screen in new window

It is also possible to open a sharing screen in a new window by clicking on Open in new window.

This screen could, for example, be opened on an iPad standing in the reception and then your co-workers or guests can type in their phone number themselves and then have the goodiepack delivered via SMS.

Note: Your own logo will appear where the GoodiePack logo appears in the picture above.

Option 2 - Share with personal link

Using this option the guest’s phone number will be saved whereby it is possible to track the guest’s use of the goodiepack.

Note: When you share the goodiepack by sending a personal link you use the same From and Text as you use when choosing Option 1.

Step 1 - Go to ‘Share with personal link’

If you want to use this option you have to go to the box called Share with personal link.

Step 2 - Fill in phone number and send goodiepack

Using this option you can share the goodiepack with a guest by typing in the guest’s phone number in the field below Phone number.

Then click on Send GoodiePack.

Step 3 - Open sharing screen in new window

It is also possible to open a sharing screen in a new window. You do that by clicking on Open in new window.

This screen could, for example, be opened on an iPad standing in the reception where your co-workers and guests can type in their phone number themselves and receive the goodiepack via SMS.

Note: Your logo will appear at the place where the GoodiePack logo is placed in the picture above.

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