How to add an existing goodie to a goodiepack


Note: If you add an existing goodie to a goodiepack and you subsequently edit this goodie then the changes will ALSO happen in all the other goodiepacks this goodie is placed in.

If you want to make changes to a goodie that you do NOT want to happen in the other places the goodie is placed then you need to duplicate the existing goodie and make changes in the new, duplicated goodie. You can read more about how to duplicate a goodie here.

You can add an existing goodie to your goodiepack in two different ways:

Procedure 1:

In this procedure, you add an existing goodiepack to a goodiepack via the overview of all your goodies.

Step 1 - Go to ‘Your goodies’

First off you have to go to the overview of all your goodies. You do so by clicking on Your goodies in the menu to the left.

Step 2 - Locate the desired goodie

You’re now seeing the overview of all your goodies and you have to locate the goodie you want to add to your goodiepack. You can either find it manually by scrolling up and down the page or you can search for words the goodie contains in the search field at the top center of the page. You can for example search for the title of the goodie.

Step 3 - Click ‘Add’

When you’ve found the desired goodie you have to click on Add in the right side of the page.

Step 4 - Choose goodiepack

You’re now seeing a dropdown menu with the goodiepacks you’ve created. Here you have to choose which goodiepack you want to place the goodie in.

Step 5 - Click ‘OK’

When you’ve chosen the desired goodiepack a pop up will appear asking if you’re sure of your choice. Here you have to click OK to add the goodie to the goodiepack. If you click Annuller instead the goodie won’t be added to the goodiepack.

When you’ve clicked OK a pop up will appear in the top right corner saying that the goodie has been added. Now you can see the goodie in the goodiepack you’ve chosen to add it to.

Procedure 2

In this procedure, you add an existing goodie via the goodiepack you wish to add the goodie to.

Step 1 - Go to ‘2. Add goodies’

When you’re in the goodiepack you wish to add the existing goodie to you must click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Step 2 - Click ‘Add a goodie’

You’re now seeing an overview of the goodies in the goodiepck. Here you have to scroll down to the bottom of the overview and click on the circle with the text Add a goodie.

Step 3 - Choose ‘Existing’

Then you’re met with the choice between creating a new goodie or adding an existing goodie. Here you’ll have to choose Existing.

Step 4 - Add the desired goodie

You’re now seeing an overview of the goodies you’ve previously created. By each goodie you can see which type of goodie it is, the image, title and description of the goodie as well as the date of creation. Locate the goodie you wish to add to the goodiepack and click on Add in the right side of the page.

When you’ve clicked Add you’re sent to the page 2. Add goodies where you’ll see an overview of the goodies that are in the concerned goodiepack. Here the goodie you’ve just added to the goodiepack also appears. Further, a pop up message will appear in the top right corner saying that the goodie has been added.

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