How to duplicate a goodie
Note: When you duplicate a goodie via the goodie bank you create a new goodie that is similar to the original goodie. If you make any changes in the new, duplicated goodie these changes will NOT appear in the original goodie.
Step 1 - Go to ‘Your goodies’
When you want to duplicate one of the goodies you have previously made you must first go to the overview of all your goodies. You do that by clicking on Your goodies in the menu on the left.
Step 2 - Locate the desired goodie
Now you see the overview of all your goodies and you have to locate the goodie you wish to duplicate. You can either scroll up/down the page to find it or you can search for words the goodie contains in the search field at the top center of the page. You can for example search for the title of the goodie.
Step 3 - Duplicate goodie
When you’ve found the goodie you wish to duplicate you must click on Action to the right of the goodie.
You’ve now opened a dropdown menu where you can see some different actions you can do. Here you must click on Duplicate.
Step 4 - Add the new goodie to goodiepack
Now you have two goodies that are identical but they are independent of each other. To add the new, duplicated goodie to a goodiepack you must click on Add to the right of the goodie.
Then you have to choose the goodiepack you want to add the new, duplicated goodie to from the dropdown menu.
A pop up message will then appear and ask if you are sure. To add the new, duplicated goodie to the desired goodiepack you have to click OK. If you click Annuller the new, duplicated goodie will not be added to the desired goodiepack.
When you’ve clicked OK a small pop up message will appear in the top right corner that says your goodie has been added. You’ll now be able to see the goodie in the chosen goodiepack and you are free to make changes to it.