How to link to a goodiepack in another language
Note: If you wish to have a goodiepack in both English and Danish for example, then you need to create the English one first (or the Danish one if that works better in your case). Afterwards you copy the goodiepack and all the goodies within it. Read more on how to do that right here.
When you’ve copied the goodiepack and the goodies within it you can make edits in the copied goodiepack and translate all the texts as well as change the language setting under 1. This goodiepack.
Then you have to connect the two goodiepacks to one another. You learn how to do this in the following guide.
Step 1 - Go to the goodiepack you wish to link to
First off you must go to the goodiepack you wish to link to. If you for instance have made an English goodiepack that must link to a Danish goodiepack then you first have to go to the Danish goodiepack and find the link to it.
Click on Your goodiepacks in the menu on the left and then click on the Danish goodiepack.
Step 2 - Go to ‘3. Share’
Then you must click on 3. Share in the top menu in the goodiepack designer. This is where you can find the link to the goodiepack.
Step 3 - Create public link
Now you must create a public link by filling in the field underneath Create public link. When you've filled ud the field, click Save.
Step 4 - Copy link
When you’ve created the link you must copy it by clicking Copy.
Step 5 - Go to the goodiepack in which the link must be inserted
Now you must go to the goodiepack in which the link to the goodiepack in another language must be inserted. If we use the same example as above where you have an English goodiepack that must link to a Danish goodiepack, then you now must go to the English goodiepack. You can find the English goodiepack in the overview of your goodiepacks that appear when you click Your goodiepacks in the meny on the left.
Step 6 - Go to Welcome text
Then click on 1. This goodiepack in the top menu in the goodiepack designer.
When you’re on this page, scroll down to Welcome text.
Step 7 - Link to the other goodiepack
To link to the other goodiepack do as follows:
- Write a sentence that explains that the guest can find the Danish edition of the goodiepack by pressing here. An example of a such sentence could be: “For Danish press here”
- Turn the text into a hyperlink so it can be clicked on and links the guest directly to the Danish goodiepack. To do this type: For Danish press “here”:followed by the link to the Danish goodiepack that you copied in step 4. It could look like this: *For Danish press "here":*
- You can also copy the link above, insert it in the field underneath Welcome text and then adjust the text and link to your goodiepack.
- The stars (*) in the example above makes the text bold
You could also insert an emoji/a symbol of the Danish flag if you’d like. You can either use the emoji keyboard on your computer or find the emoji on the following page and insert it:
Note for Windows-users: When you insert a flag emoji you might only be able to see “code” of the emoji and not the actual emoji in the text field. Although, the emoji will be visible in the goodiepack when the guests open it (see pictures below).
When you’ve inserted the link in the text field it will look like this:
And it will look like this on the guests’ phones:
If the guests click on the word ‘here’ they will be sent to the Danish goodiepack. To the guest it will just look like the English goodiepack is translated since the two goodiepacks are identical besides the language.
Step 8 - Save
When you’re done you must click on Save and continue at the bottom of the page.