How to copy a goodiepack
Step 1 - Locate the goodiepack you wish to copy
If you wish to copy a goodiepack you must first locate the goodiepack you wish to copy. The first thing you must do is to go to the overview of your goodiepack(s) by clicking Your goodiepacks in the menu on the left.
Then you locate the goodiepack you wish to copy in the overview. On the far right side of the goodiepack you must then click Copy.
Step 2 - Give the new goodiepack a name for internal use and a title
Then you must choose a Name for internal use for the new goodiepack in order for you to distinguish between the original goodiepack and the copy. You can always change the Name for internal use at a later time.
You must also choose a Title for the new goodiepack. The title will be shown at the top of the goodiepack when your guests open it.
Step 3 - Set the activation and closing date
You must then fill out when the new goodiepack should be activated in the field below Activates at. This field will by default be filled out with the same time as the activation date of the original goodiepack. When you click on the field you can choose another time if you wish for this goodiepack to activate at another time than the original. If you leave this field empty the goodiepack will not be active.
You can also set a time for when the goodiepack should close. You do this by filling out the field below Closes at with the date and time you wish for the goodiepack to close. When you click the field a calendar appears in which you can choose the date and time you wish for the goodiepack to close. You can also fill out the field yourself.
If you do not wish to set a time for the goodiepack to close you just leave this field empty.
Step 4 - Choose the goodies you wish to include in the new goodiepack
Now it is time for you to choose which goodies from the original goodiepack you wish to include in the new goodiepack. You do this by checking off the goodies you wish to include in the new goodiepack.
You have different functions to choose from:
- Reuse goodie: If you check off this box the goodie will be included in the new goodiepack BUT if you make any changes in the goodie the changes will also happen in the original goodiepack.
- If you want two different goodiepacks it is important that you do NOT use this function.
- Copy goodie: If you check off this box you get a copy of the goodie in the new goodiepack AND it is possible for you to edit the goodie without it affecting the goodie in the original goodiepack.
- This is a smart choice if for example goodies should be translated to another language. The copied goodie will also appear when you click Your goodies in the menu on the left.
- Do nothing: If you check this box the goodie will not be included in the new goodiepack.
About Folder goodies: If you want to include a folder goodie from the original goodiepack in the copy you must check off BOTH the folder goodie AND the goodies you wish to copy or reuse in the new goodiepack.
Step 5 - Copy goodiepack
When you’re done choosing the goodies you want to include in the new goodiepack, you must click Copy.
Step 6 - Add, edit or remove goodies in the new goodiepack
You are now sent to the page 2. Add goodies in the goodiepack designer. Here, you can add new goodies to your new goodiepack as well as edit and remove the goodies you have chosen to include in the new goodiepack.
Step 7 - See the new goodiepack under ‘Your goodiepacks’
When you click Your goodiepacks in the menu on the left you will now be able to see both the original goodiepack and the goodiepack you have copied in the overview.