How to create a goodiepack


Step 1 - Create new goodiepack

To create a goodiepack you must click on the button Create a new goodiepack in the top right corner of the site. If you haven’t created any goodiepacks yet you can also create one by clicking the button Create a new goodiepack in the middle of the screen below the welcome video.

Step 2 - Create a name for internal use

Now it’s time for you to design your goodiepack. To design your goodiepack you must fill out the different fields on the site. When you’re done filling out the fields, you can go ahead with the creation of your goodiepack.

The first thing you need to field out is a Name for internal use. This name is strictly for administrative use and it will never be shown to your guests.

Step 3 - Choose a Banner logo

Then you must choose a Banner logo. Whatever you choose as your banner logo will be shown at the top of your goodiepack when your guests open it. To upload a photo for your banner logo you must click on the camera below Banner logo. Choose a longitudinal picture that is at least 100 pixels high in either .jpg or .png format.

When you’ve uploaded a picture you can crop the image. When you’re happy with the picture, click Ok.

If you regret your choice and want to delete the picture you’ve chosen, you can click on the cross. Then, you can upload a new picture by clicking the camera after which you can crop the picture and then click Ok. If you wish to replace your chosen picture with another picture you can click the pen and then upload a new picture, crop it and then click Ok.

Step 4 - Choose a Homescreen icon

The next step is to choose a Homescreen icon. Whatever you choose as the Homescreen icon will be shown on the home screen of your guests’ phone if they save the goodiepack on their home screen. You can advantageously choose the same icon you use as the logo for your goodiepack.

To upload a picture you must click on the camera below Homescreen icon. Then choose the picture you wish to use as homescreen icon. When you’ve chosen a picture you can crop it. Then, press Ok when you’re happy with the picture.

If you happen to regret your choice, you can delete the picture by clicking the cross and then upload a new one by pressing the camera. Then crop the new picture and click Ok when you’re happy. You can also press the pen on the right side of the picture if you want to replace it with another picture. When you’ve chosen a new picture you can crop it and then click Ok.

Step 5 - Header

Now, you must choose a Header for your goodiepack. Whatever you choose as header will become the title of your goodiepack and will be shown below the logo in the goodiepack.

Further, this field supports interpolation and you can learn more about this by clicking the icon next to Header.

Step 6 - Welcome text

Then it is time for you to write a Welcome text. This is a short text for your guests in which you can describe why they have received the goodiepack and what they can use it for.

It can be a good idea to personalize the goodiepack for each guest by inserting their name so the text for example says “Dear Line”. To do this you must write the following in the field:

%{customer.firstname, “guest”}

If the first name of the guest is unknown, the system will automatically write “Dear guest” instead.

It is possible to use other interpolations than this one. Get to know more about the different possibilities and how to use them by pressing the following icon next to Welcome text.

In this field it is also possible for you to style the text. Among other things, you can make the text Bold or Emphasis and make bullet points. You can find information about the possibilities of styling your text as well as how to do it by clicking the A next to Welcome text.

Step 7 - Choose a Theme color

Now you can choose the Color palette for your goodiepack. The first thing you can choose is the Theme color. The color you choose as theme color will be shown on the circles around the pictures of your goodies as well as on the buttons in your goodiepack. You may choose a color that fits your logo or another color you use in connection with the company.

You choose the color by either typing in the specific color code in the field or by clicking the square that appears when clicking the field. In this square you can adjust the color by going up and down the bar on the right.

Step 8 - Choose a Background color for the goodiepack

Next step is to choose a Background color for the goodiepack. This color will be shown as the background behind the goodies in your goodiepack. Therefore, you should be aware to choose a color that harmonizes with the text color and the rest of the content in the goodiepack.

You choose the background color by either typing in the specific color code in the field or by choosing a color from the square color palette that appears on the right when you click the field. In the color palette you can click within the square as well as go up and down the bar on the right.

Step 9 - Choose a Text color

The last color you can adjust is the Text color. Make sure to choose a color that harmonizes with the background color you have just chosen. It is important that the text color and background color does not look alike as it would become difficult to read the text.

To choose a text color you can either enter the specific color code or click in the square color palette that appears on the right where it is also possible to go up and down the bar on the right.

Step 10 - Language

You must then choose which language you wish for the standard buttons in your goodiepack.

Note: It is your responsibility to make sure that the text you type in corresponds to the chosen language. The system will only translate the text that appears on the standard buttons and not the content you type in.

Step 11 - Set the Activation date for your goodiepack

You have now reached the box called Activation period. Here, you must first choose an Activation date for you goodiepack. The time and date you set as activation date is the time when the goodiepack will become visible for your guests. If you do NOT choose an activation date, your goodiepack won’t become visible until you choose an activation date.

To set an activation date you must either click the field and type in a date manually or choose a date from the calendar that appears when you click the field. You can also click the button Make active from now and then the activation date will be set to be the moment when clicked the button.

Note that just because you activated the goodiepack your guests won’t be able to see the goodiepack. Thereby, you can choose Make active from now for you to access the goodiepack, for example in connection to setup and test.

Step 12 - Closing date

Afterwards, you can choose a Closing date for you goodiepack. The time you set here is the time where the goodiepack will no longer be visible for your guests. If you do not choose a closing date the goodiepack will continue to be active until you manually close it.

You can set a closing date by either typing in a date manually in the field or by clicking on the desired date in the calendar that becomes visible when you click the field. You can also click on one of the predetermined periods; One Day, One Week or One Month.

Step 13 - Automatic closing after send out (in minutes)

It is also possible for you to set a time for automatic closing after send out (in minutes). This function is typically used if the guests receive the goodiepack at different times and the activation period thereby has to be individual from guest to guest. You can for example use this function if there’s exclusive content that your guests should have access to for only a limited time period.


Guest no. 1 arrives at your hotel on monday and thereby this guests goodiepack must be active for x number of minutes from monday. Guest no. 2 arrives at your hotel on wednesday whereby this guests goodiepack must be active for x number of minutes from wednesday.

You choose when the goodiepack should be automatically closed after send out by entering the number of minutes that the individuals guests goodiepack should be active from the moment the guests received their goodiepack.

If you do not wish to set a time for automatic closing after send out you just leave this field on 0 or empty.

Note: Be aware to type in the activation period in number of minutes.

Step 14 - Permissions

If you click Show advanced properties you will first have the possibility to answer Yes or No to whether you have collected the correct permissions to send out marketing. If you choose Yes and thereby have collected all the correct permissions, all goodies in the goodiepack will be visible for the guests. If you choose No and you mark that some of the goodies in the goodiepack contain marketing, these goodies will be shown with a lock on them. The guests will then have to click the goodie and give their permission before then can see the content of the goodie.

Step 15 - Show map

Below Show map you can decide whether you want to show a map in the top of your goodiepack or not. This map contains the addresses of the goodies that are within the goodiepack. If you wish to activate the map you must check the box on the left of Activate

Step 16 - Activate customers sharing of a goodiepack

It is possible for you to let your guests share a new goodiepack with their companions. If you wish to activate this, you must check the box on the left of Activate.

You can then enter a text in the field below Create the text customers sent when sharing a goodiepack. The text you type in here is the text that the guests send when they share their goodiepack with their companions. 

Step 17 - Ask the recipient for more info

As the last step you can choose whether you wish to ask the recipient of the goodiepack for more info. Here, you can choose which information you wish to gather about the recipient. Whatever you choose here will be shown as a pop up on the screen when the guest open the goodiepack for the first time. The guest won’t be able to see the content of the goodiepack before they answer the questions in the pop up.

Though, if the guests have already filled in their name and phone number in connection with their booking or ticket purchase, you already know this information about them and they will not receive the pop up when opening the goodiepack for the first time.

There are a number of predefined options you can choose from, for example name and email. You select thee by checking the box on the left of the options. You can also add your own questions and answer option by typing them in in the fields Questions and Answer options

For each question you make you can add as many answer options as you wish. If you do not type in any answer options then the guests will have to fill out an empty field themselves with their answer. You can make use of this if you do not know all of the possible answers to a question.


A question could be “Company” for which an answer option could be “GoodiePack”.

It is possible for you to add multiple questions. If you wish to add more questions, click Add parameter. Then click Add value to add answer options.

Step 18 - Save

When you’re done filling out the fields that are relevant to your goodiepack you must click Save and continue at the bottom of the site to finish the creation of your new goodiepack.

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