How to create a registration form
Once you have created your event, you can create a registration form. In this article, we guide you through how to do it.
Step 1 - Go to creation of the registration form
This is done by entering the event through Your Events, after which you click on one of the three buttons under Tickets.
Then you click on Settings in the top right corner.
Afterwards, click on Signup page.
Then, click on Create sign up form.
Step 2 - Basic information
First off, you need to fill in the basic information. It is required to fill in the Internal name and Title.
The internal name of the registration form is only visible to your organization and will not be shown to your guests. The internal name can also be used to distinguish between forms for different groups.
The title is the form’s title. This will be visible to your guests when they open the form, where it will appear at the top of the form.
Afterwards, you can set a Signup deadline, a Cancellation deadline, and a Deadline for updating a registration.
Signup deadline is the deadline for when your guests can register.
Cancellation deadline is the deadline for when your guests can cancel their registration.
Deadline for updating a registration is the deadline for when your guests can update their registration.
You do this by clicking on the desired field, after which you can set the date and time either by entering it manually or by using the calendar that appears when you click on the field.
Finally, you must choose whether the language should be Danish or English. What you choose here will be the language of the standard text and buttons on the form.
Note! Be aware that the link to the form is different depending on whether you choose Danish or English. This means that if you initially choose one of the languages and save the form, and then later change the language, you must remember to retrieve the new link to the form.
Step 3 - Default fields
The default fields are required for your guests to answer.
These fields cannot be edited, but you can choose whether both email and phone number are required to be filled out, or if only one of them is required.
Select this option under Required Contact Information, where Both is chosen by default.
You can also choose for your guests to indicate their country of origin. You do this by ticking the box next to Country. If you choose this option, there will be a dropdown menu on the form where guests can select their country, and it will be required to answer.
Step 4 - Customize page
You now need to customize your registration form by selecting the colors. There are four different colors you can customize.
The theme color is used for elements such as the register button, and a faded version of the theme color will be displayed behind the custom fields that you can add later.
The text color is used for the text on the form.
The background color is used for the background behind the registration form. The background color can be made transparent by entering 00000000 in the field.
The content background color is used as the background color for the form itself.
You can set the colors by either entering the desired color code in the field or by clicking on the field and selecting a color.
Step 5 - Custom fields
You can also add your own questions to the form.
It is possible to add text input questions and single-choice questions. You can add as many questions as you need.
Step 5.1 - Text input question
When you create a text input question, a text box will appear on the form in which the guests can type in their answer.
To create a text input question you enter your question in the Question field.
The Auto-generated name field will automatically be filled out based on what you enter in the Question field. However, you have the option to edit it using the edit button on the right.
Afterwards, you can choose whether the question is required to be answered or not. If you want to make the question required you must tick the box Required.
Step 5.2 - Single-choice question
When you create a single-choice question a dropdown will appear on the form where the guests can choose among the options you create.
To create a single-choice question you enter your question in the Question field.
The Auto-generated name field will automatically be filled out based on what you enter in the Question field. However, you can edit it using the edit button on the right.
Afterwards, you can choose whether the question is required to be answered or not. If you want to make the question required you must tick the box Required.
Next, you have to add answer options. You do this by writing the answer option in the Choice field. Then, you need to select the value for the option, which is what will be displayed in your data. For example, you can write the same as in Choice. You can add more options by clicking Add choice and then repeat this procedure.
You can also delete answer options by clicking on the trash can icon.
It is possible to rearrange the order of your questions after you have created them. You do this by clicking on the three lines at the top left and then dragging the questions to the desired position.
Step 6 - Confirmation email
You can choose whether or not a confirmation email should be sent to your guests when they have registered.
When you enable this, you will have the option to fill in the fields Subject, From, and Content of the email.
Further, the email will contain the logo of your organization (if you’ve added one (read this article to learn how)), the text “Thank you for your registration!” at the top of the email (just below the logo), information that has been provided by the guest on the form as well as buttons for editing and cancelling one’s registration (if you’ve added deadlines for these).
If you do not fill in these fields, the email will be automatically generated with the sender name being the name of your organization, the subject will be “Thank you for your registration”, and the email will contain the logo of your organization (if you’ve added one (learn how in this article)), the text “Thank you for your registration!” just below the logo, the title and start time for the event as well as the information the guest has provided on the form. If you’ve added a deadline for updating and/or cancelling a registration there will be buttons in the bottom of the email which the guests can click to respectively update and cancel their registration. You can read more about the confirmation email and how to create it in this help article.
Step 7 - Footer content
Next, you have the option to add content at the bottom of your registration form, which will be displayed next to the registration button.
You can style this text in various ways, such as making it bold or italic, and you can also insert an image.
Step 8 - Select a term
You can add a term that your guests must accept in order to register. This is optional to add.
You add a term to the form by clicking on the dropdown menu under Select a term. Here, you can choose from the terms that have been created on your organization. If you have not yet created the desired term, you can do so by clicking Setup and then Terms in the menu on the left.
Step 9 - Save
Finally, remember to save the form by clicking Save at the bottom of the page.
Once you have clicked Save, you will return to the overview of registration forms connected to the event where you can now see your registration form.
This is also where you will find the link, you can send to your guests. You can easily copy it by clicking Copy.
From this page, you can also edit the form by clicking Edit.