How to share your goodiepack through Your events
Through the page Your events you can share your goodiepack and we'll guide you through how to in this article.
Note! If you want to share the goodiepack through text messages it's imporant that you've chosen a sender name before sharing the goodiepack through Your events. You enter the desired sender name on the page 3. Share in the desired goodiepack on the GoodiePack platform.
Remember that the goodiepack you're looking to share must be active before sharing. You can learn how to set an activation date on a goodiepack in this article.
Step 1 - Go to Your events
First off, you must click Your events in the menu on the left.
Step 2 - Create delivery flow
In the table containing the events you must find the desired event you're looking to share a goodiepack with.
In the row containing the desired event you must then click the following icon to create a new delivery flow:
Then, a window appears in which you create the delivery flow. At the top of the window you can see the title and the start time of the event.
Step 2.1 - Choose delivery time
First, you must choose the delivery time under Share at. This is the time where the goodiepack will be sent to those attending the event. By default, this time is set to the start time of the event. You can change the delivery time in two different ways.
The first option is to use the configuration buttons below the field which you can use to adjust the time in relation to the time that appears in the field by default.
The second option is to click the field and then choose a date from the calendar that appears and afterwards choose the time.
Step 2.2 - Choose delivery method
Next, you must choose whether the goodiepack will be shared through mail or text message under Delivery method.
Step 2.3 - Write text
Then, you're going to write the text that'll be sent. Depending on your choice, there are different things you must fill out.
Step 2.3.1 - Text message
If you choose to share the goodiepack through text message you must fill in the text. In a text message it's a good idea to highlight some of the things the recipient can find in the goodiepack, e.g. their ticket, the digital program etc. In the text message you can use interpolations and for example have the recipient's first name appear automatically in the text. Be aware of Characters left and Number of texts when typing in the text message.
Remember to also choose a sender name and enter it on the page 3. Share in the goodiepack on the GoodiePack platform.
Step 2.3.2 - Email text
If you want to share the goodiepack through mail you must first fill in the subject field of the email in the field Subject.
Then, you fill in the sender name in the field From.
Finally, you fill in the content of the email. You can style the text in the email in different ways by using the bar by Content. Among other things, you can make the text bold, italic, and crossed out, create headlines and highlight quotes, make point and number lists as well as adjust indentation. Further, you can insert links and images in the email. At the bottom of this article we'll explain how you insert an image in the mail.
Step 2.4 - Choose goodiepack
Next, you must choose the goodiepack you want to share with those attending the event. Click the dropdown menu below GoodiePack and choose the desired goodiepack. It is also possible to search among your goodiepack.
Note: Only goodiepacks that are active appear in the dropdown menu.
Step 2.5 - Activate delivery flow
At the bottom of the window there's a checkbox to the left of Active. By default, the box will be ticked which means that the delivery flow is active. When the delivery flow is active the chosen goodiepack will be sent out when the chosen delivery time is reached. Further, the goodiepack will automatically be sent to those who registers for the event after the delivery time as long as the delivery flow is active.
If you want to deactivate the delivery flow you must remove the tick mark from the checkbox to the left of Active.
Step 2.6 - Save delivery flow
When you're done filling in information in the window you click Save and then your delivery flow is saved.
Afterwards, you can see the delivery flow under Scheduled deliveries in the row containing the event on the page Your events.
When the delivery time is reached and the goodiepack is sent out, the check mark will turn green.
Extra - Edit or remove delivery flow
When you've created a delivery flow and it appears under Scheduled deliveries you can edit the delivery flow or remove it. To do so you must first click on the scheduled delivery.
If you want to edit the delivery flow you click Edit. Then, the window will appear in which you can make the desired changes. Remember to click Save at the bottom of the window to save the changes.
If you want to delete the delivery flow you click Delete. Then, a pop-up appears asking if you're sure. Click OK to fulfill the deletion.
Then, the delivery flow is removed and will no longer appear under Scheduled deliveries on the page Your events.
How to insert an image in an email
- Click Setup and then Media library in the menu on the left
- Click + Add in the upper right corner and then Choose file
- Upload the desired image from your computer
- Crop the image if you'd like
- Click Create
- Click on the image and then Copy embedded HTML code
- Click Your events in the menu on the left
- Click + in the row containing the event to create a new delivery flow or click an existing delivery flow and then Edit if you've already created the flow
- Choose Email under Delivery method
Click the following icon in the bar by Content:
- Insert the HTML code you've just copied
- Clcim Save when you're done setting up the delivery flow