How to design a schedule goodie


With a schedule goodie you can create a program containing the different tracks and sessions for your event as well as enable that the recipient of the goodiepack can customize their own program from the official program. In this article we'll guide you through how to design a schedule goodie.

Step 1 - Create a new schedule goodie

First of all, you must create a new schedule goodie. When you're in the desired goodiepack on the GoodiePack platform you click on Add a goodie on the page 2. Add goodies.

Then, click New followed by Schedule

Step 2 - Create schedule

Now, you must design your schedule goodie which happens in two steps. In the first step called 1. Feature you must create the program itself.

Click + Create schedule

Step 2.1 - Add tracks

You can then start creating you program. First off, click + Add track.

Then, this window will appear in which you can fill in information about the track.

Here, you'll first off fill in a title for the track in the field Title.

If there's a capacity for the track you can write it in the field Capacity (Numbers). If you fill in a capacity on the track the same capacity will automatically be filled in on the sessions you subsequently add to the track.

Under Choose a color you can choose which color the track should have. You can use this function to visually separate the tracks. There are a number of different colors to choose among.

If you want to add an address to the track you click on Address and then you can either search for the address in the field Search or type the address in manually. If you add an address to a track a map displaying the address will be shown beneath the program.

Finally, you can state a registration deadline and a cancellation deadline for the track in the field Registration deadline and Cancellation deadline. If you fill in these deadlines they'll automatically be added to the sessions you subsequently add to the track.

When you've filled in the desired information you click Save.

The track can then be seen on the page 1. Feature in the schedule goodie.

Afterwards, you're able to edit, duplicate, and delete the track by using the three buttons to the far right.

You can then begin to add sessions to the track or you can add further tracks to the schedule goodie. If there are multiple scenes or rooms at your event you can create a track for each. If you want to add more tracks you click + Add track and follow the same procedure.

Step 2.2 - Add session

You add a session to a track by clicking + Add session in the desired track.

Then, a window appears in which you can fill in information about the sessions. It is required that you fill in the field From and To.

Step 2.2.1 - Name the session

You can name the session by filling in the field Title.

Whatever you type in this field will be shown in the program when the recipients of the goodiepack enters the schedule goodie.

Step 2.2.2. - Fill in a description of the sessions

Then, you can fill in a description of the sessions in the field Description. The decsription could for example be an elaboration on what is going to happen in this sessions. You can style the text in this field by, among other things, making it bold or italic. You can read more about how to style the text by clicking the A to the right of Description.

The text you type in this field will be shown to the recipients of the goodiepack when they click on the session in the schedule goodie.

Step 2.2.3 - Add the start and end time of the session

Then, you must add the start and end time of the session in the field From and To.

When you click these field you can either manually type in the date and time or you can choose these things in the calendar that appears when clicking the fields.

Step - Choose whether the session should be repeated

You can then choose if the session should be repeated. If you want for the session to be repeated you tick the box to the left of Repeat and then choose the weekday(s) that the sessions should be repeated on.

Step 2.2.4 - Specify a capacity

If there's a max capacity for the session you can type it in the field Capacity (Numbers). If you've filled in a capacity on the track itself this field will automatically be filled in the the same number.

If you want to enable the recipients of your goodiepack to customize their own program or if it should be possible to register for a session you must add either a Capacity (Numbers) or a Registration deadline. If you add one of these a star button will appear in the goodiepack which the recipients can click on the save a session. When they save a session they'll be able to see it under the tab Saved.

Step 2.2.5 - Specify a max participants per registration

You can also specify a maximum number of participants per registration in the field Max participants per registration (Number). By default, this is set to 1.

Step 2.2.6 - Add a registration deadline and a cancellation deadline

Finally, you can enter a registration deadline and a cancellation deadline for the session. You do so in the field Registration deadline and Cancellation deadline in which you either manually type in the date and time or choose these in the calendar that appears when clicking the fields. If you've stated a registration deadline or a cancellation deadline for the track these fields will automatically be filled in with the same information.

If you add a registration deadline the recipients of the goodiepack will be able to save sessions.

Step 2.3.7 - Save session

Finally, click Save.

The session has then been saved and will appear under the track on the page 1. Feature. You can edit, duplicate, and delete the session by using the buttons to the far right.

If you click on the duplicate button in the middle a new session will be added in continuation of the one you've just created and it will take place on the same date and have the same duration.

Afterwards, you can create more sessions by clicking + Add session in the desired track and follow the same procedure.

When you've created the desired tracks and session you click Save and continue.

Step 3 - Design the content of the goodie

You've now reached the second step of creating the schedule goodie where you must create the content of it. On the page 2. Content you must at least insert an Image and a Title. The rest of the fields aren't required but you should consider them as they can help make your goodie even better and more interesting for the recipients of the goodiepack.

Step 3.1 - Insert image

First off, you must insert an image on the goodie. You do so by clicking the circle Click to upload new image.

Then, you can choose to either upload a new image from you computer or use an existing image on your GoodiePack organization.

When you've chosen an image you can adjust it. Then, click Accept.

Step 3.2 - Name the goodie

Afterwards, you must name the goodie by typing in the name in the field Titel. The title should be short and exact. Further, this field supports interpolations.

Step 3.3 - Name for internal use

Then, you can fill in the field Name for internal use. What you type in here will only be visible to you and not to the recipients of the goodiepack. This name is exclusively for administrative use.

Step 3.4 - Add a subtitle

You can then add a subtitle to the goodie by filling in the field to the right of Subtitle. The subtitle can be used to elaborate the title of the goodie and make it more interesting. This field also supports interpolations.

Step 3.5 - Add a badge to the goodie

You can also add a badge to the goodie. You can use a badge to highlight something about the goodie, e.g. an offer, a specific date or something else. You create a badge by filling in the field Badge with the desired text which should be short and specific. Also, this field supports interpolations.

Step 3.6 - Fill in a description of the goodie

It's then time to fill in a description of the goodie in the field Description. In this field you can for example write information for the recipients of the goodiepack about where and how they use the goodie. You can style the text in the description by, among other things, making it bold or italic. Read more about how to style the text by clicking the A to the left of Description. This field also supports interpolations.

Step 3.7 - Advanced settings

At the bottom of the page you can click Show advanced settings and then there are further settings you can set.

Step 3.7.1 - Receive answer on email

By Receive survey answers on email you can choose a user that should receive an email whenever there are new registration in the schedule goodie.

Step 3.7.2 - Marketing

If the goodie contains marketing you need to have permission to show it to the recipients of the goodiepack. If this goodie contains marketing you choose Yes and if it doesn't contain marketing you choose No. By default, No is chosen.

If you in the settings for the goodiepack have stated that you do not have permission to send marketing to the recipients of the goodiepack and you state that this goodies does contain marketing a lock will be shown on top of the goodie. Thereby, the recipients must actively click the goodie and give their permission before they can see the content of the goodie.

If you state that this goodie doesn't contain marketing a lock won't be shown on top of the goodie and the goodie will just appear as usual.

Step 3.7.3 - Terms

Finally, you can add terms to the goodie that the recipients of the goodiepack must accept before they can access the content of the goodie. If you want to add terms to the goodie you must click the field Add terms and then choose the desired term(s). You can choose among the terms on your organization. If you hven't created the term yet you can do it by clicking Setup followed by Terms in the menu on the left after which you'll land on a page where you can create the term.

Step 4 - Save the goodie

When you're done creating your schedule goodie you click Save.

The goodie can then be seen on the page 2. Add goodies alongside the other goodies in the goodiepack. Below the goodie you can click Edit if you at some point want to make changes to the goodie. You can also remove the goodie from the goodiepack by clicking Remove under the goodie.

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