How to design a list goodie


In this help article we'll guide you through how to design a list goodie.

Step 1 - Add a new goodie

When you want to create a list goodie you must first of all click Add a goodie on the page 2. Add goodies.

Then, you choose New followed by List.

Step 2 - Add and / or create profiles

Now, you're at the first step of creating a list goodie. Here, you must choose the profiles that are going to be displayed on the list.

You can add profiles that previously have been created on your organization by clicking the field below Choose profiles and then choosing the desired profiles in the dropdown menu.

It is also possible to create new profiles by clicking Create profile.

Then, a window appears in which you can create a profile. The only field that's required is Title. You can click See examples to see what a profile looks like on the list and what it looks like when clicking. You're also able to see where and how the different field will be shown on the profile.

Note: A profile can be a company profile or a profile for a person depending on what you want to show on the lis. If it's a company profile it would be obvious to type in the name of the company in the field Title. If it's a profile for a person then the name of the person would be obvious to type in the field.

Note: By Create Tags you can create and add tags to the profile. Tags can be used for filtering the list. You create a tag by typing in the desired name of the tag in the field and then clicking Add.

In the example below, the profile has been filled in as a company profile.

When you've filled in the profile with the desired information you click Save.

Then, you can see that the profile appears in the field below Choose profiles. Thereby, it has been added to the list goodie.

Afterwards, you follow the same procedure for all the profiles you want to create.

Note: If you at some point want to edit the profiles you can click on Manage profiles. Then, you'll land on a page where you can see all the profiles that have been created on your organization as well as edit and delete them.

When you chosen / created all the profiles that are going on the list goodie you click + Create a list.

Step 3 - Create the visual part of the goodie

You've now reached the second step of creating a list goodie and here you're going to create the visual part of the goodie. The only things that are required to fill in are the image and title. Though, you should consider the other field as well as they can enhance the goodie and make it more interesting for the recipients of the goodiepack.

Step 3.1 - Add an image

First off, you must add an image to the goodie. You do so by clicking the circle Click here to upload a new image.

Then, you can choose to either upload a new image from your computer or choose an existing image you're previously uploaded to your organization.

When you've chosen an image you can adjust it. Then, click Accept.

Step 3.2 - Fill in a title

Then, you must give the goodie a title by filling in the field to the right of Titel. The title should say something about the content of the goodie.

Step 3.3. - Name for internal use

You can then fill in a name for internal use which is only visible to you and not to the recipients of the goodiepack.

Step 3.4 - Add a subtitle

Next, you can add a subtitle to the goodie which you can use to elaborate the title of the goodie. You fill in the subtitle in the field to the right of Subtitle.

Step 3.5 - Add a badge

If there's something important about the goodie you want to highlight, e.g. a place, date, or time, you can do it by adding a badge to the goodie. You add a badge by filling in the field to the right of Badge with a short and exact text.

The badge will be shown on top of the image of the goodie (see example below):

Step 3.6 - Fill in a description

Then, you can fill in a description of the goodie in the field to the right of Description. The description should contain information about where, when, and how the goodie kan be used.

You can style the text in the description and thereby bring more life to the text. Among other things, you can make the text bold, italic, and colored. You can read more about how to style the text by clicking the A to the left of Description.

Step 3.7 - Advanced setting

Under Show advanced properties you'll find additional settings.

Step 3.7.1 - Marketing permissions

In the field Marketing you can mark whether the goodie contains marketing or not. If the goodie contains marketing you choose Yes and if it doesn't you choose No. By default, No is chosen.

If you've marked in the settings of the goodiepack that you do not have permission to sent marketing to the recipients of the goodiepack and you mark that the goodie contains marketing a lock will be shown on top of the goodie. Thereby, the recipients of the goodiepack must actively click the goodie and give their permission before they can access the content on the goodie. If the goodie doesn't contain marketing it'll be shown as usual.

Step 3.7.2 - Terms

In the field Terms you can add terms to the goodie that the recipients of the goodiepack must accept before they can open the goodie. You can choose among the terms created on your organization. If you haven't created any terms on you organization you can do it by clicking Setup and then Terms in the menu on the left.

Step 4 - Save the goodie

When you're done creating the goodie you click Save at the bottom of the page.

Your goodie can then be seen on the page 2. Content alongside the rest of the goodies in the goodiepack.

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