How the change the color on your company profile


Step 1 - Go to settings

To change the color on your ocmpany profile you have to go to the settings for your company profile. You do so by first clicking on the name of your organization in the side menu on the left.

Then you click on the name of your organization in the side menu on the left.

Afterwards you'll click on the button Organization in which yout company's name also appears.

Step 2 - Change color

Now, it's possible for you to change receptectively the Text color, Background color and Text color. When you want to change the color it works in the same way for all three. You have to do the following in the field below the type of color you want to change:

First, click on the field. Then a color field appears in which you can choose different color by scrolling up and down the bar on the right. Otherwise, you can also insert the color code for the color you want in the field yourself.

Step 3 - Save and update profile

After you've changed the desired color(s) you have to click on Save and update profile.

Afterwards, a pop up will appear in the upper right cornor saying that your organization has been updated.

The color(s) you've chosen willa utomatically be added to your goodiepacks. If you want to change the color(s) in a goodiepack you can read how to do that in the following articles:

How to change the theme color on your goodiepack

How to change the text color on your goodiepack

How to change the background color on your goodiepack

Note: If you need help changing other things on your company profile you can find help articles right here.

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