How to read the data on an individual goodie


Step 1 - Find the report for the goodiepack

To read the data on an individual goodie you’ll first have to find the report for your goodiepack. You can find it by either clicking on Your goodiepacks in the side menu on the left and then click on the icon Report in the right side of the menu bar next to the goodiepack.

Otherwise, you can find the report for a goodiepack by clicking on the concerned goodiepack and then click Report at the top of the page.

Step 2 - Find the desired goodie

When you’re in the report for the goodiepack you have to scroll down the page to find an overview of all the goodies in the goodiepack. To see data for an individual goodie you have to click on Action to the right of the concerned goodie and then click Details in the dropdown menu.


Another way for you to access the data for a goodie in a goodiepack is by first clicking on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Below each goodie on the page you can see four symbols. When you click on the following symbol you’ll directly go to the page with data for the concerned goodie.

Step 3 - See data for the goodie

The first thing you’ll see is a graph of how the goodie has performed durings its entire activation period. You can also click on the names of the curves below the graph to show or remove the curve from the graph.

The next thing in the report is the numbers for the goodie where you can see the number of unique visits, how many views the goodie has had in total, number of conversions as well as engagement.

You can read an explanation of the types of data you can see for a goodie down below:

Unique visits: This is the number of different devices that have opened the goodie. Thereby, the number shows how many devices that have visited your goodie. If a person opens the goodie from both their phone and their computer it’ll count as two unique visits since the goodie is being opened from two different devices. The number will not increase if the same person using the same device visits the goodie multiple times. Although, the number will increase if the person does not use cookies.

Total goodie views: The total number of times your goodie has been opened.

Conversions: The total number of conversions that have been made on your goodie. A conversion happens when the recipient does what the goodie encourages them to do. This could, for example, be to press a button linking to a website, answering a survey, making an order and so on.

Engagement: How much each unique visit interacts with the goodie. It’s a number on how much the recipient clicks around in the goodie.

Note: Depending on which goodie you want to find data for, you’ll see different kinds of data at the bottom of the page. For example, if you’ve create a goodie that should collect feedback the answers your guests have given will be shown here. On the other side, if you’ve created a goodie that gives your users the opportunity to refer you’ll be able to see who have made a referral on the goodie here. If you’ve made a goodie where it’s possible to make orders you’ll be able to see the total number of orders, the total sum as well as data for each order here.

Step 4 - Get the report as a pdf

You have the opportunity to download the report for the goodie as a pdf. You do that by clicking on Report in the upper right corner on the page.


It’s also possible for you to see the aggregated data for the goodie across the goodiepacks that it’s in. To see this you have to click on All details in the upper right corner when you’re on the page where you can see data for the individual goodie.

Otherwise you can click on Your goodies in the menu on the left and then find the desired goodie in the overview.

When you’ve found the desired goodie you have to click on Action to the right of the goodie and then click Details.

You’re now on the page where you can see data for the goodie across the goodiepacks it’s included in. At the top of the page you can see a graph in which Views and Total goodie references appear. You can turn on and off the display of these curves in the graph by clicking on their names below the graph.

Further down on the age you can see the number of Unique visits, Total goodie views, Conversions and Engagement.

If you scroll further down on the page you can see the number of goodiepack views, goodie views and conversions for each of the goodiepacks the goodie is placed in. Here, you can also see numbers for the goodie in goodiepacks that are active, finished and deleted.

Under the column Action you can click on Details to see numbers for the goodie in each of the goodiepacks. You can also click on Remove whereby you remove the goodie from the concerned goodiepack.

If you click on Remove a pop up will appear in which you have to click OK to fulfill the action.

The goodie will be removed from the goodiepack and in the overview on the page with data the following symbol will be shown under the column Status.

You can still see the data for the goodie in the concerned goodiepack after you’ve removed the goodie from the goodiepack.

At the bottom of the page you can see who’ve made references on the goodie if it’s a possibility in the goodie.

You can download the report with the aggregated data for the goodie across all of the goodiepacks it’s included in as pdf. You do so by clicking Report in the upper right corner on the page.

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