Overview of data types and their meaning
When you’re in the goodiepack designer you can click on Report at the top of the page.
The report is your tool to keep an eye on how your goodiepack and your goodies are performing, if anything needs to be changed or if you should try out new measures. In Report you can hover the mouse over the headlines of the different types of data to get a short explanation of each type of data.
Views: This number shows how many times your goodiepack has been visited/opened in total. This number will often be higher than Unique visits since a person can visit/open your goodiepack multiple times.
Unique visits: This is the number of different devices that have opened the goodiepack. It thereby shows how many different devices that have visited your goodiepack. If a person opens the goodiepack from both their phone and computer it will count as two unique visits since the goodiepack is being opened from two different devices. The number will not increase if it’s the same person using the same device opening the goodiepack multiple times. Although, the number can increase on the same device if the person isn’t using cookies.
Total goodie views: The total number of times your goodies have been opened/seen.
Goodie views per view: This number shows how many goodies are opened on average for each unique visit.
Total goodie references: This number shows the total number of references being made on all your goodies. A reference happens when the recipient does what the goodie encourages them to do. For example click on a button that links to a website, answer a survey, make an order and so on.
Goodie conversions per unique view: This is the number of conversions that are being made on average from each device.
Visits per unique visits: This number refers to how many times each unique visit/each device has visited your goodiepack on average. Thereby, the number shows how many times people come back and open their goodiepack.
Engagement: How much each device on average interacts with its goodiepack. This is a number on how much the recipient clicks around on the different goodies and buttons in the goodiepacks.
Text sent with personal link: The number of texts that have been sent via Share with personal link, Share personal link by list and sharing via integrations. It is also possible to see how many texts that have been sent and how many texts that have not been sent.
Text sent with public link: The number of texts that have been sent via Share public link to individuals. Here, you can also see how many texts that have been sent out and how many that have not been sent out.