How to create a call function in a goodie


You can create a call function in a goodie in two different ways:

1. As a hyperlink in the text

2. As a button at the bottom of an online goodie

You’ll get a guide on how to do both down below.

Create call function as a hyperlink in the text

It is possible to make a call function in all types of goodies when you do it this way.

Step 1 - Go to ‘2. Add goodies’

First off you have to click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Step 2 - Create new goodie or edit an existing goodie

Now you can either choose to create a new goodie or to edit an existing goodie. If you want to edit an existing goodie you have to click Edit below the desired goodie.

On the other hand, if you want to create a new goodie you have to click on the circle with the text Add a goodie.

Then click on New.

And then choose which type of goodie you want to create.

Step 3 - Go to ‘2. Content’

When you’re in the goodie in which you want to create a call function you have to go to 2. Content.

Step 4 - Create call function in the description field

I the text field to the right of Description you now have to write the following:

"your text":tel:+4500000000

Note: You have to make quotation marks on each side of the text you want to make clickable.


Phone: "71 74 75 72":tel:+4571747572

Click "here":tel:+4571747571 to call us.

Note: Remember to write +45 (or another land code) in front of the phone number.

In the description field it’ll look like this:

When the guest open the goodie on their phone it’ll look like this:

Step 5 - Save

You now have to click Save at the bottom of the page. Your goodie has now been saved and when the guest clicks on the text they’ll call the phone number you typed in.

Note: Remember to test from a phone that the call-function works.

Remember that this function may possible not work if the guest open the goodie from a computer that cannot call a phone number.

Create call function as a button in an online goodie

In an online goodie it is possible to create a call function as a button and it the following you’ll be guided through how to do it.

Step 1 - Create a new online goodie or edit an existing online goodie

First off you have to click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Then you’ll have to either create a new online goodie or edit an existing online goodie. If you want to edit an existing one you have to click on Edit below he concerned goodie in the goodiepack.

If you want to create a new goodie you have to click on the circle that says Add a goodie.

Then click New.

In the overview of the different types of goodies you can create you choose Online.

Step 2 - Insert phone number and fill out the button text

On the page 1. Reference you have to type in the phone number it the field below Link. You have to write it the following way:


Note: You must remember to write +45 (or another land code) in front of the phone number.

Then you have to write an appropriate text in the field below Button text. This could for example be “Call us”.

It’ll look like this to the guest:

And when they click on the button they can call you directly.

Step 3 - Save

At last, click Save at the bottom of the page.

Your online goodie has now been saved. When the guest click the button they’ll call the phone number you typed in below Link.

Note: Remember to test from a phone that the call function works.

Further, remember that this function may not work if the guest opens the goodie from a computer that cannot call a phone number.

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