How to create headings in a goodie
In the description of a goodie it is possible to format text as a heading. In the table below you can see which code you have to insert in front of the text to format the text as heading. As you can also see in the table below the headings have different sizes and the biggest one is h1. while the h4. is the smallest one.
For example, if you want to format text as the biggest heading (h1.) you must write h1. followed by the text you want for format as heading. Remember to make space after the full stop in the code.
Note: You have to make double line breaks so there’s an empty line between the heading and the text that’s going to be below it that doesn’t have to be formatted as heading. If you only make one line break the text on the next line will become part of the formatting as heading.
When you format text as heading it’ll look like this in the description field:
And it’ll look like this on the recipient’s phone: