How to create a mail function in a goodie
You can create a mail function in a goodie in two different ways:
1. As a hyperlink in the text
2. As a button in the bottom of an online goodie
You can see a guide on both down below
Create mail function as hyperlink in the text
You can create a mail function in all the different types of goodies when you do it this way.
Step 1 - Go to ‘2. Add goodies’
First you’ll have to go to your goodiepack. Then you’ll click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.
Step 2 - Add a new goodie or edit an existing one
Now you can either add a new goodie or edit an existing goodie in the goodiepack. If you want to add a new goodie you have to click on the circle with the text Add a goodie.
Then you’ll click New.
Then choose the type of goodie you want to create.
You can also edit an existing goodie by clicking Edit below the concerned goodie in the overview on the page 2. Add goodies.
Step 3 - Go to ‘2. Content’
Now go to the page 2. Content in the goodie.
Step 4 - Insert mail as hyperlink in the text
In the field Description you now write the following:
"your text":mailto:mailaddress
“Click here to send us a mail”
Mail: “”
If we use the last one of the examples above it’ll look like this in the description field:
And when the guest open the goodie on their phone it’ll look like this:
Step 5 - Save
Now you have to click Save at the bottom of the page and then the goodie is saved.
Note: Remember to test from a phone that the mail function works.
Create mail function as a button in an online goodie
In an online goodie, you can create the mail function as a button. In the following you’ll get a guide on how to do it.
Step 1 - Create a new or edit an existing goodie
First off you have to go to 2. Add goodies in the goodiepack designer.
Then you’ll either have to edit an existing online goodie or add a new online goodie. To edit an existing online goodie you have to click Edit below the concerned goodie.
To add a new goodie you have to click on the circle with the text Add a goodie.
Then click New.
In the overview of the types of goodies you can create you must click Online.
Step 2 - Fill out link and button text
I the field Link you write the following:
You then write an appropriate text in the field below Button text. This could for example be “Send us a mail”.
It’ll look like then when you fill in the fields:
And it’ll look like this to the guest:
Step 3 - Save
Now click Save at the bottom of the page.
Your online goodie is no saved. When the guest click on the button, a mail will be opened in which the email address you have typed in the link automatically will be filled in.
Note: Remember to test from a phone that the mail function works.