How to edit the text color in a goodie
Note: You can set a text color for your entire goodiepack on the step 1. This goodiepack. You could take a look at this helparticle to read how you do that. If you want to change the text color on single words or sentences you can do it the following way:
Step 1 - Edit goodie
In 2. Add goodies you have to find the goodie you want to change the text color in.
Below the desired goodie you then click Edit.
Then click on 2. Content.
Step 2 - Change text color
You can change the text color in the goodie in two different ways:
1. Choose a standard color (red, blue, green and so on)
2. Insert the specific color code you want yourself
1. If you want a standard color
Place the marker by the text you want to change the color of. Here you’ll then write the following depending on the color you want the text to have:
Note: Remember to NOT make spaces between the characters
Red writing: %{color:red}text to be colored%
Blue writing: %{color:blue}text to be colored%
Green writing: %{color:green}text to be colored%
Purple writing: %{color:purple}text to be colored%
Tip: You can replace each % with a * to also make the text bold.
2. If you want a specific color code
Place the marker by the text you want to change the color of. Here you have to use the same code as in the examples above with the standard colors but instead of the name of the color you’ll insert the color code of the desired color.
Note: Remember to NOT make spaces between the characters
%{color:#343fe0}text to be colored%
It’ll look like this when you write the code in the text field:
And it’ll look like this to the guest in the goodiepack:
Tip: You can replace each % with a * to also make the text bold.
Step 3 - Save
You’ll now have to click Save at the bottom of the page and then the color of the specific text in the goodie is changed.
It is also possible to change the text color in the goodiepack’s welcome text. You do that by first clicking on 1. This goodiepack at the top of the goodiepack designer.
Then scroll down to Welcome text where you’ll then do as described above to change the text color. It’ll look like this when you write it in the field below Welcome text:
And it’ll look like this to the guest in the goodiepack:
Tip: You can replace each % with a * to altså make the colored text bold.
Finally, click Save and continue to save the changes.