How to share your goodiepack via a list


Note: Your goodiepack has to be active before you can share it. If you make changes in the goodiepack after you’ve shared it with the recipients the changes will automatically be registered without you having to create a new link or send a new text with the goodiepack.

Step 1 - Go to ‘3. Share’

To share your goodiepack you have to click on 3. Share at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Step 2 - Name the link

The first thing you have to do is to name the link. You do so by filling out the text field below Create public link. What you write here may be related to the name of your company så the user can recognize it.

Tip: Make it short and easy to read for your guests.

When you’ve filled out the text field you have to click on Save to the right of the text field.

Step 3 - Name the sender of the text

When you want to share your goodiepack via a list you have to scroll down to Share personal link by list.

,Here you’ll first have to name who the text is from. What you write here will appear as the sender on the recipient’s phone. Therefore it should have a connection to the name of the company or in some other way be recognizable. You can enter a sender name that contains a maximum of 11 characters.

Step 4 - Write a text

After you’ve entered who the text is from you have to write a text in the text field below Text. The link to your goodiepack will automatically be added at the bottom of the text so it’s a good idea the end your text with a colon.

There’s a limitation on the number of characters you can write in the text. Above the text field Text you can see how many characters you have left. If you exceed this limit the text will fill to text messages and you’ll have to pay double SMS rate.

This text field also supports interpolation. You can get more information on this by clicking the icon to the right of Text.

Make sure to have some kind of call to action in the text that encourages the recipient to click the link.

Example of text:

Dear guest

We’re looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Here you can find information and customize your stay:

(Link to the goodiepack that is automatically added)

Step 5 - Save

When you’ve filled in who the text is from as well as written a text you have to click Save.

Step 6 - Choose time of delivery

Then you’ll have to choose the time of delivery of your goodiepack. You do so by clicking the field below Share at where you’ll then be able to choose a date and time from the calendar that appears.

Step 7 - Choose list

Now you can choose the list that contains the contacts that’s supposed to get the text. You do that in the field below To.

If you’ve already created the list with the persons who are supposed to receive the link to this goodiepack you just have to choose that list.

If you haven’t created the list yes you have to create the list by uploading a .CSV file in the format UTF-8 with the desired contact info such as first name, last name, phone number and email.

Tip: It’s a good idea to divide first name and last name so they’re in their own column in the file.

To create a list you have to click on Administrate and create lists.

Alternatively, you can click on Setup and then Customer lists in the menu on the left.

Then you’ll reach the page Lists where you can see an overview of your lists. In this overview you can create new lists and among others:

  • See the number of persons on each lists below Count
  • Edit the lists by clicking on Edit to the right of the desired list
  • Remove list by clicking on Remove to the right of the desired list

Now you have to create the list of persons who are going to receive this goodiepack. You do so by writing the name of the list and then click Add in the upper right corner.

Next up you have to click Import.

Then you have to click on the icon the the right of Choose file and find your .CSV file in UTF-8 format with the desired contact info on your computer.

Then click Import.

When you’ve uploaded the file you have to state for each column from your file what kind of information it contains. This could for example be the first name, last name or phone number of the guest.

You can also create new parameters if there’s a column with information in your file that doesn’t fit in the predefined types of information. You do so by choosing New parameter in the dropdown menu. When you’ve chosen New parameter, a text field will appear in which you have to write what kind of information that is shown in the column.

Then click Save.

Now you have to go back to the page 3. Share. You do so by clicking on Your goodiepacks in the left side, find the goodiepack, click 3. Share at the top of the goodiepack designer and then scroll down to Share personal link by list.

Here, you’ll then have to click Choose below To. You’ll now see a dropdown menu with the lists you’ve created. Choose the list you’ve just created that contains the persons who are going to receive a link to this goodiepack.

Step 8 - Choose how the goodiepack should be delivered to the guests

Afterwards, you have to choose if you want to send the goodiepack by text or if you want to resend the goodiepack. If you choose the last option it will also be sent by text. You have to check the box to the left of the option you want to choose.

If you check the box to the left of Resend the guests will receive the goodiepack again even though they’ve already received it. If there are any important changes or cancellations in the goodiepack that you want to make sure that all your guests see then you can resend the goodiepack to all the guests with a new text that says that the guests have to check out the changes in the goodiepack.

If you do NOT check the box to the left of Resend: If you’ve shared the goodiepack with some guests on a list and then after the delivery add new guests to the list you can use this option to make a new delivery where ONLY the new guests on the lists will receive the goodiepack. Thereby, the guests that have already received the goodiepack when it was first delivered will NOT receive the goodiepack when it’s delivered the second time.

Step 9 - Share the goodiepack

You’re now ready to share the goodiepack. You do so by clicking Share.

Then a pop up will appear asking if you’re sure. Click OK.

Your delivery has been registered in the system and will be sent out on the chosen time of delivery. The delivery will be at the bottom of the page as a planned delivery so you’re always able to see the status of it or delete the planned delivery.

If you want to delete the planned delivery you have to click on Delete and then your planned delivery will disappear from the overview at the bottom of the page.

Note: You can easily change both the list and the content of the goodiepack after you’ve created the delivery. When the time of delivery is reached the goodiepack will be sent out to the persons on the chosen list so it is possible for you to add or remove people from the list up until that time. 

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