How to remove a goodie from your goodiepack


Step 1 - Click on ‘2. Add goodies’

If you want to remove a goodie from your goodiepack you must first of all click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Step 2 - Remove goodie

You’re now seeing an overview of the goodies that are in your goodiepack. Here you must locate the goodie you want to remove from your goodiepack. Below the concerned goodie you must click on Remove.

Then a pop up will appear asking if you’re sure. Here you must click OK to remove the goodies. If you click Annuller the goodie will stay in your goodiepack.

Note: If you remove a goodie from your goodiepack you’ll still be able to find it in the overview of all your goodies that you can find by clicking Your goodies in the menu on the left. So when you remove a goodie from a goodiepack you do not delete it completely but you only remove it from the concerned goodie

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