How to design a place goodie


Step 1 - Go to ‘2. Add goodies’

To create a place goodie you have to click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Step 2 - Klik on ‘Add a goodie’

Then you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page where you have to click on the circle that says Add a goodie.

Step 3 - Choose ‘New’ and ‘Place’

Then you are met with the opportunity to either create a new goodie or use an existing goodie. Here you’ll choose New.

Now you can see an overview of the types of goodies you can create. Here you’ll choose the one called Place.

Step 4 - Design the content of the goodie - First step

It’s now time to design the content of the goodie which happens in two steps. The first step is called 1. Reference and here you’ll have to fill out all relevant fields.

Step 5 - Enter address

The first thing you have to do on this page is to enter where the guests have to go to redeem this goodie. There are two ways to do this:

1. The first way to do this is by using the search field at the top of the page where you can enter a place or the name of the company. then the system will retrieve the information that’s available from Google and fill in the fields under Address, Phone number and Website. You can also make changes in the information that has been out when you use the search function.

2. The second way is that you manually fill out the information in the fields. If you manually enter the information you can click on Place marker to add a marker on the map to the right.

Step 6 - Add address

When you’ve filled out the relevant fields you must click on Add address. You also have the possibility to add more addresses the guests can see in the goodie. You do that by entering more addresses in the same way as explained above.

Step 7 - Activate and deactivate addresses

When you’ve clicked on the button Add address the address will be saved and you can see the address(es) you have added at the bottom of the page. Here you can also choose which addresses that should be active in this goodie. You also have the option to delete the addresses again. If you want the address to be active in the goodie then you have to check the box to the left of the address. It will automatically be checked when you’ve clicked Add address above. If you don’t want the address to be active then you click the box to the left again to deactivate it.

You can also activate and deactivate all addresses in the overview at once by clicking the box to the left of Zip code.

If you want to delta an address from the overview you have to click Delete to the right of the address you want to delete.

When you click Delete a pop up will appear and ask if you are sure. Click OK to finish the deletion. If you want to cancel the deletion, you have to click Annuller.

Step 8 - Create and continue

When you’ve filled out all relevant fields you must click on the button Create and continue to move on to the next step.

Step 9 - Design the content of the goodie - Second step

You’re now at the final sted called 2. Content and here you also have to fill out all relevant fields. Although, you have to as least fill out the following fields:

  • Image
  • Titel
  • Description

The rest of the fields are optional. You should deal with them though since they can help make the goodie better and more interesting to those who use your goodiepack.

Step 10 - Upload image to the goodie

The first thing you have to do is to upload an image to your goodie. The image should visualize what the goodie is all about. Thereby it becomes easier and faster for the guest to see what the individual goodies contain.

You upload an image by clicking the circle with the text Click to upload new image.

Then you have the option to either upload a new image or choose an existing image.

Choose the desired image, adjust it and then click Accept.

Step 11 - Give the goodie a title

It’s now time for your goodie to get a title. You give the goodie a title by writing an appropriate title that is short and exact in the field to the right of Titel.

Step 12 - Add a subtitle

Afterwards you have the possibility to add a subtitle that can elaborate on the title and make the goodie more interesting so the guests will click on it. The subtitle on a place goodie could for example be the name of the place the guest has to go to redeem the goodie. You add a subtitle by clicking the field to the right of Subtitle and write an appropriate subtitle that is short and specific.

Step 13 - Add an offer tag

You also have the possibility to add an offer tag to the goodie. This does not have to be an actual offer but it can also be something you want to highlight about the goodie. To add an offer tag you have to click in the text field to the right of Offer tag and write your tag that should be short and specific.

The text you write in this field will be shown as a small text field on top of the image of the goodie. You can see an example of this down below:

Step 14 - Add a description to the goodie

It’s now time to add a description to your goodie. You do that by filling out the text field to the right of Description. The description should contain relevant information about for example where, when and how the guest uses the goodie.

If you click on A to the left of Description you can find information on how to style the text in the description. Here you can find information on how you make the text bold and italic, how to make bullet points and numbering, how to add a link and how to color the text. Further, this text field supports interpolation and you can find more information about this by clicking the icon between A and Description.

Step 15 - Marketing

If your goodie contains marketing you need to have permission to show it to the guests. If this goodie contains marketing you have to choose Yes in the dropdown menu to the right of Marketing, and if the goodie does not contain marketing, you choose No.

If you’ve stated in the settings of the goodiepack that you do NOT have permission to send marktine to your guests a lock will be shown at the top of the goodie if the goodie contains marketing. the guests will thereby have to actively click on the lock and give their permission before they can see the content of the goodie.

If you state that this goodies does not contain marketing it won’t be locked with a lock. Instead, the goodie will just be shown as usual.

Step 16 - Create a redeem button

You also have the option to create a redeem button on your place goodie. You do this by first clicking on Show settings to the right of Redeem button.

The goodie can be set up to be redeemed x number of times per GoodiePack, hour, day, week or month. If you choose per goodiepack the period is the entire activation period for the concerned goodiepack. You can also set up how many redemptions that can be made in total across all shared goodiepacks.


You want 100 guests to be able to redeem this goodie to get a discount on sandwiches and each guest may only use this offer once. In this case you have to write 1 time per 1 goodiepack and 100 times in total as you can see on the picture below.

If you wish that each guest can redeem the goodie endlessly you leave all the fields empty.

If you do not want a redeem button in the goodie you have to write 0 in all the fields as you can see in the picture below. Then the goodie will only contain a map with a route guidance and no kind of redeem button. This is used, for example, if the goodie is used to show the guests to a specific place without them having to redeem any kind of ticket, discount or similar through the goodie.

Step 17 - Make a pin code

As the last thing in a place goodie you can make a pin code for the redeem button. This pin code must be typed in before the goodie can be redeemed. Remember to tell the pin code to the people in charge of redeeming the goodie.

This pin code function is used, for example, in situations where you want to make sure that the guest does not redeem the goodie without being physically present  at the place that is connected to the goodie.

If you want a pin code on the goodie you have to fill out the field to the right of Pin code med the desired pin code. If you do not want a pin code you just leave the field empty.

Step 18 - Save

When you’re done filling in the fields you must click on Save to finish the creation of your place goodie.

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