How to design a video goodie
Step 1 - Go to ‘2. Add goodies’
To create a video goodie you must first click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.
Step 2 - Click ‘Add a new goodie’
Then you have to scroll down to the bottom of the overview of goodies. Here you’ll click on the circle with the text Add a goodie.
Step 3 - Choose ‘New’ and ‘Video’
You’ll now be met with the opportunity to either create a new goodie or use an existing goodie. Here you must click New.
Afterwards an overview of the different types of goodies appear. Here you’ll choose Video.
Step 4 - Design the content of the goodie - First step
Now you have to design the content of the goodie which happens in two steps. The first step which you’re at now is called 1. Reference. Here you have to fill out all relevant fields.
Step 5 - Insert video link
You have to find the link to the YouTube video you want to show in the goodie. When you’ve found the link you have to insert it in the field below Link. When the guest clicks on this goodie the video will be shown directly in the goodiepack without the guest being forwarded to YouTube.
Step 6 - Create and continue
When you’ve inserted the link to the desired YouTube video you have to click on Create and continue.
Step 7 - Design the content of the goodie - Second step
You’re now at the second and final step that’s called 2. Content. At this step you have to fill out all relevant fields but you have to at least fill out the following fields:
- Image
- Titlel
- Description
The rest of the fields are optional but you should deal with them. They can help make the goodie better and more interesting to the users of your goodiepack.
Step 8 - Choose image for the goodie
The first thing to do in this step is to upload an image to your goodie. The image you choose should visualise what the goodie is about. Thereby, the guest can easily and quick see what the goodie contains. To upload an image you have to first click the circle with the text Click to upload new image.
Then you have to choose if you want to upload a new image or use an existing image.
When you’ve chosen an image you can adjust it. Then you have to click Accept.
Step 9 - Give the goodie a title
Next you have to give your goodie a title. To do this you have to click in the text field to the right of Titel where you then write an appropriate title that is short and exact.
Step 10 - Add a subtitle to your goodie
Subsequently, you have the opportunity to add a subtitle to your goodie. The subtitle can elaborate on the title and make your goodie more interesting so it makes the guests click on it. You add a subtitle by clicking in the text field to the right of Subtitle. Here you’ll then write an appropriate, short and exact subtitle.
Step 11 - Add an offer tag
It is also possible to add an offer tag to the goodie. Although, it doesn’t have to be an actual offer but it can just be something you want to highlight about this goodie. It could for example be a palace, time, date or something else. You add an offer tag by clicking in the text field to the right of Offer tag and writing your tag that has to be short and specific.
What you write in this field will be shown as a small text field on top of the picture of the goodie. See an example of this down below:
Step 12 - Description
Then you must add a description to the goodie by filling out the text field to the right of Description. Your description should contain relevant information about for example where, when and how the guest uses the goodies.
You have the opportunity to style the text in the description. Among others, you can make the text bold and italic, make bullet points and numbering as well as color the text. To get information on how you style the text you have or click on A to the left of Description.
Step 13 - Marketing
If your goodie contains marketing you need to have permission to show it to the guests. If this goodie contents marketing you have to choose Yes in the dropdown menu to the right of Marketing. Does the goodie not contain marketing you have to choose No.
If you have stated in the settings of the goodiepack that you do NOT have permission to send marketing ot your guests a lock will be shown on top of the goodie if it contains marketing. Thereby, the guests have to actively click on the lock and give their permission before they can see the content of the goodie.
If you state that this goodie does not contain marketing it’ll be shown as usual and without a lock.
Step 14 - Save
When you've filled out the fields you must click Save at the bottom of the page to finish the creation of your video goodie.