How to design an order goodie
Step 1 - Click on ‘2. Add goodies’
To create an order goodie you must first click on 2. Add goodies in the menu at the top of the goodiepack designer.
Step 2 - Click on ‘Add a goodie’
You then have to scroll down to the bottom of the overview of goodies. Here you’ll have to click on the circle that says Add a goodie.
Step 3 - Choose ‘Order’
You can now choose if you want to create a new goodie or use an existing goodie. Choose New.
You now see the overview over types of goodies you can choose among. Here you have to choose Order.
Step 4 - Design the content of the order goodie - First step
Now you have to design the content of your order goodie which happens in two steps. The first that you’re now at is called 1. Reference. Here you must fill out all relevant fields.
Step 5 - Choose currency
As the first thing on this step you have to choose which currency the products is going to be shown in. You can choose between DKK, EUR, USD, GBP and NOK. By default the currency is set to DKK.
Step 6 - Choose payment method(s)
Next off you have to choose which payment method(s) should be activated. You can choose either Can pay with card or Can pay with cash. The payment method Can pay with card must be purchased before it’s possible to activate it. If you purchase this payment method it is also possible to activate both payment methods.
Step 7 - Create products - Name and image
Now you have to create the products you wish for the guests to order. First off you have to choose a Name and an Image for the products. You write the name you wish to give the product in the text field below Name.
Then you have to choose an image for the products. You do this by clicking Choose image.
Then you upload the desired image after which you can adjust it. Then click Ok.
If you subsequently want to change the image you can upload a new one by clicking Choose image. You can also remove the picture you have chosen by clicking Remove image.
Then you can upload a new image by clicking Choose image.
Step 8 - Create products - Description
You can now add a description of the products with relevant information about for example what the product contains.
Step 9 - Create products - Max quantity per person
You can then specify the maximum number of products a guest may order at a time. You do this by typing in the maximum number per person in the field below Max quantity per person. If you fill in a number here the guest will not be able to order more than the number you have specified in one order. If you leave the field empty the guest can freely choose the number of the product they wish to order.
Step 10 - Create products - Total max quantity
In the field Total max quantity you can fill in the total number of the product that is available for the guests to buy. If you fill in a number her ethe guest will be able to see the number of the product that is left. If you leave this field empty there is an unlimited number of the product available.
Step 11 - Create products - Specify the price
Then you have to specify the price for the product by typing in the price of the product in the field below Price. To the right of this field you can see the valuta you chose earlier.
Step 12 - Add more products
If you want to add more products you have to click Add product and then go through Step 7-11 again.
If you add more than one product in this goodie it is possible for you them move them around. You do this by clicking the three lines to the left of the text fields in which you have filled in the name of the individual products.
It is also possible for you to delete products if you have created multiple products. You delete a product by clicking the trashcan to the right of the name of the product.
Step 13 - Activate delivery
If you click on Coupon setup and ordre processing it is possible to activate delivery.
Here you can either activate a button or a QR code that will be scanned when the order is handed out which ensures that the order won’t be picked up multiple times. If you want to activate a QR code you have to click on Activate QR code. If you want to activate a button you have to click on Activate button. You can also activate both.
Step 14 - Create possible delivery periods
Then under Possible delivery periods you can create periods where it is possible for the costumer to pick up their order.
Click on Add to create a period after which you have to choose what kind of period it should be in the dropdown menu that says Type.
Here you can choose Time Policy after which you can enter the date and time for delivery yourself in the field to the right of Time or choose from the calendar that appears when you click on the field.
Another option is Asap Policy where you don’t have to enter further. Here, it is just possible for the guest to have their order delivered as soon as possible.
Moreover, you can choose Interval Policy where you can specify a time interval in which it is possible for the guest to have thrift product delivered. Choose the start time by click the field to the right of From and end time by clicking the field to the right of To. When the guest orders a product from the goodie they have to choose a time within the time interval you have specified at which they want to have the product delivered.
It is also possible to specify multiple different delivery periods of the product. If you want to add multiple periods you click on Add and then you choose the Type and enter the desired period. Be aware that if you have chosen Interval Policy you can’t add more periods of that type. The same goes for Asap Policy which you can only choose once.
Step 15 - Order process
Under Order process you can make it possible for the guests to track the status of an order as well as prevent them from redeeming an order before it’s ready. If you want to activate this you have to check the box to the left of Activate order process.
If you activate this it also becomes possible for you to opt for the guest to receive a text when their order is marked as complete. You do this by checking the box to the left of Send sms to customer on order completion.
Step 16 - Adding comments to the order
You can also click on Ask for more information about the order.
Here, you can make it possible for the guest to add a comment to their order. You do this by checking the box to the left of Enable comment.
Step 17 - Ask for more information about the order
Further, you can ask the guest about more information about their order. Whatever the guest fill out here will be added to their order. To ask the guests for more information you have to fill out a question in the field below Question and an answer option in the field below Answer options. If you want to add more answer options you have to click on Add value. If you leave the field below Answer options empty the guest has to fill out an answer themselves.
If you want to ask for even more information you can add further questions by clicking Add parameter and then either add answer options or leave the field below Answer options empty if you want the guest to fill out an answer themselves.
For each questions you create you can choose whether it is required for them to answer before they can place an order. To activate this you have to check the box to the left of Required by the questions you want to be required to answer.
Step 18 - Ask for more customer information
It is also possible to ask the guests for more information about them. You do this by clicking on Ask for more customer information.
Here you can choose one of the predefined options by checking them off in the list. If the system already knows the chosen information about the customer they won’t be asked for it.
You can also formulate yourself which information you want about the costumer. You do this by writing a question in the text field below Question. In addition to this you can either create an answer option by filling out the text field below Answer options or you can leave the text field empty so the costumer has to fill out the answer themselves. If you want to add more thna one answer option to a question then click on Add value. If you want to create further questions yourself you have to click on Add parameter.
Step 19 - Save and continue
When you’re done creating the products that should be available for the guest to order in the goodie you have to click Save and continue at the bottom of the page.
Step 20 - Design the content of the goodie - Second step
You’re now at the second and final step called 2. Content where you have to fill out all the relevant fields. You have to at least fill out the following fields:
- Image
- Titel
- Description
The rest of the fields are optional but you should deal with them anyways since they can help make the goodie better and more interesting for the users of your goodiepack.
Step 21 - Upload image
First off you need to upload an image to the goodie that visualizes what the goodie is all about. Thereby, the guest can easier and faster see what the goodie contains. You upload an image by clicking the circle with the text Click to upload new image.
Then you have to choose if you want to upload a new image or use an existing image that you have previously used.
When you’ve chosen a picture you can adjust it and then you have to click Accept.
Step 22 - Give the goodie a title
You now have to give the goodie a title by clicking in the text field to the right of Titel where you then have to fill out an appropriate title that is short and exact.
Step 23 - Create a subtitle
You also have the opportunity to add a subtitle to the goodie that can elaborate on the title and make the goodie more interesting so it makes the guest click on it. You add a subtitle by clicking in the text field to the right of Subtitle where you write an appropriate, short and exact subtitles.
Step 24 - Add an offer tag
It is also possible to add an offer tag to the goodie. It doesn’t have to be an exact offer you write here but it can slo be something you wish to make the guest aware of. It could for example be a date, place, time or something else.
To add an offer tag to the goodie you have to fill out the field to the right of Offer tag with a short and specific tag.
What you write in this field will be shown as a small text field on top of the image of the goodie which you can see in the example below:
Step 25 - Give the goodie a description
You can then add a description to your goodie by filling out the text field to the right of Description. The description should contain relevant information about for example where, when and how the guest make use of this goodie.
It is possible for you to style the text you write in this text field. Among others, it is possible du make the text bold and italic, make bullet points and numbering as well as color the text. You find more information on how to style the text by clicking the A to the left of Description.
Step 26 - Marketing
If the goodie contains marketing you need permission to show it to the guests. If this goodie contains marketing you have to choose Yes in the dropdown menu to the right of Marketing. If the goodie does not contain marketing you have to choose No.
If you have stated in the settings of the goodiepack that you do NOT have permission to send marketing to your guests a lock will be shown on top of the goodie if it contains marketing. Thereby, the guests will have to actively click on the lock and give their permission before they can see the content of the goodie.
If you state that the goodie does not contain marketing it won’t be locked with a lock and it’ll just be shown as usual.
Step 27 - Set the number of times an order can be made
It is possible for you to set the change the settings for how many times it is possible to make an order via this goodie. You do this by first clicking Show settings to the right of Settings. If you do not fill out anything in these fields the guest can make orders again and again without limitations.
The goodie can be set up to be sued x number of times per GoodiePack, time, day, week or month. If you choose per GoodiePack the time period is the entire activation period of the concerned goodiepack.
If it should be possible for the guest to make one order via this goodie once a day you have to write 1 in the field to the left of times per and 1 in the field below that below. In the dropdown menu you choose Day.
You can also set up how many orders that can be made in total across all the times this goodiepack has been shared. You do this by typing in the desired number in the field to the left of times in total.
Step 28 - Receive survey answers on email
As the last thing you can choose if you want to receive orders from this goodie on email. If you want to then you have to fill out the text field to the right of Receive survey answers on email with the email address(es) that should receive the orders. When you click on the field the system automatically suggests the persons/users that are connected to your organization. Although, you can also type in email addresses in the field yourself.
If you leave the field empty there won’t be sent any mails with the individual orders that are made. Instead, you can find all the orders in the report for the goodiepack.
Step 29 - Save
When you’re done filling out the fields you have to click on the button Save to finish the creation of your order goodie.