How to design an online goodie


Step 1 - Go to ‘2. Add goodies’

When you want to create an online goodie you must first of all click on 2. Add goodies in the menu at the top of the goodiepack designer.

Step 2 - Click ‘Add a goodie’

You must then scroll down to the bottom of the page that contains the overview of the goodies in the goodiepack. Find the circle with the text Add a goodie and click on it.

Step 3 - Create a new goodie and choose ‘Online’

You can then choose whether you want to create a new goodie or if you want to use an existing goodie. Here you’ll choose New.

Then you’re met with an overview of the different types of goodies you can create. Click on Online.

Step 4 - Design your online goodie - First step

You’ve now reached the first step of designing your online goodie called 1. Feature. Here, you insert the link(s) you want to include in the goodie as well at the button text for each link.

Step 5 - Insert link

The first thing you have to do is to find the link to the website you want to refer your guests to. Then, you have to copy the link and insert it in the text field below Link. Make sure to link to the exact site you wish to refer the guests to instead of just linking to the frontpage of the website.

When you insert a link in the text field a box shows up on the page in which you can see what the button containing the link is going to look like to the guests.

Further, the text field below Link supports interpolation whereby it is possible to make the link unique for each guest.

Step 6 - Fill out the button text

It is possible for you to change the text on the button by filling out the text field below Button text with a text that fits the link. Make sure to write a text that is telling of what the guest must do and that call to action.

Step 7 - Add more links

It is possible to have multiple links in one online goodie. If you want to add more links to your online goodie simply just click + Add new link and repeat step 5 and 6.

If you add multiple links in an online goodie the buttons will be listed in the goodie starting with the first link you inserted and ending with the last link you inserted.

If you want to change the order of the buttons you must start over and add the links in the desired order. You remove a link from the goodie by clicking the button Delete.

Step 8 - Promo code

You can also give your guests a promo code by clicking on Promo code after which you can write a promo code that can be used on the website you’re linking to in the text field below Common promo code. When you begin typing in the text field a box will appear on the site that shows what the promo code is going to look like to the guests. 

It is also possible to give the guests their own unique promo code. This means that the promo code can only be used once per guest. To do this, you have to upload a CSV file by clicking the button to the right of Unique promo codes. The promo codes will then be distributed to each individual guest when they open their goodie. It is always possible for you to upload a new file with more codes if all the unique promo codes are used up.

You can also combine the fields Common promo code and Unique promo codes. This means that the system begins with distributing all the unique promo codes and when there are no more left of them the system will show the general promo code that you typed in in the field Common promo code instead.


You wish to give the first 100 guests a 50 % discount and afterwards the rest of the guests receive a 25 % discount. To do this you have to upload a file with 100 unique promo codes that give a 50 % discount in the field Unique promo codes and in the field Common promo code you make a promo code that gives a 25 % discount.

Step 9 - Create and continue

When you’ve filled out all the relevant fields you click on Create and continue at the bottom of the page.

Step 10 - Design your online goodie - Second step

You are now at the final step that’s called 2. Content and here you have to fill out all relevant fields. As a minimum you have to fill out the following fields:

  • Image
  • Titel

The rest of the fields are optional but you should deal with them anyway. They can help to make the goodie better and more interesting for the users of your goodiepack.

Step 11 - Upload an image to the goodie

The first thing you have to do is to upload an image to the goodie. The image you choose should visualize what the goodie is all about. This way it becomes easier and faster for the guest to see what the different goodies contain. To upload an image you have to click the circle containing the text Click to upload new image.

You can choose whether to upload a new image from your computer or to choose an existing image that you’ve previously used.

When you’ve chosen an image you can adjust which part of the image that is going to be featured in the goodie. Then you have to click Accept and you’re now able to see the image on the page 2. Content.

Step 12 - Give the goodie a title

Then it’s time to give the goodie a title. To do this you have to click on the text field to the right of Titel and then write an appropriate title that is short and exact. Further, this field supports interpolation which you can read more about by clicking the icon to the left of Titel.

Step 13 - Add a subtitle

You can then add a subtitle to the goodie that can elaborate on the title and make the goodie more interesting to make the guests click on it. To add a subtitle you must click on the text field to the right of Subtitle and write an appropriate subtitle that is short and exact. This text field also supports interpolation and you can find more information about this by clicking the icon to the left of Subtitle.

Step 14 - Add a badge

You also have the possibility to add a badge to your goodie. What you write in this field does not have to be an actual offer but it can also be something you’d like to highlight about this goodie. This could for example be a date, place, time and so on. You add a badge by writing your tag that should be short and specific in the text field to the right of Badge. Further, this text field supports interpolation.

What you write here will be shown as a small text field on top of the image of the goodie. You can see an example of this on the picture below:

Step 15 - Give the goodie a description

Then you have to give the goodie a description. The description should contain information about for example when, where and how the guest uses this goodie. You fill in the description in the text field to the right of Description. It is also possible to style the text and among others make the text bold and italic. You can also add a link, make bullet points or numbering as well as color the text. You can find information on how to do this by clicking the A to the left of Description. Further, this text field supports interpolation.

Step 16 - Additional settings

Then, there are some additional settings you can set. First, click Show advanced properties.

Step 16.1 - Marketing

If the goodie contains marketing you need permission to show it to the guests. If this goodie contains marketing you have to choose Yes in the dropdown menu. If it doesn't contain marketing you choose No.

If you have stated in the setting of the goodiepack that you do NOT have permission to send marketing to your guests a lock will be shown on top of the goodie if it contains marketing. Thereby the guests have to actively click on the lock and give their permission before they can see the content of the goodie.

If you state that the goodie does not contain marketing it won’t be locked and it’ll be shown as usual.

Step 16.2 - Add terms

You can also add a term to the goodie which the recipient of the goodiepack must accept before they can open this goodie. You add a term by clicking the field to the right of Terms and then choosing the desired term. You can chose among the terms that have been created on your organization.

You can create and manage terms on your organization by clicking Setup in the menu on the left and then Terms.

Step 16.3 - Pin code

You can make a pin code the guest has to type in before they can access the link. You do this by inserting the desired pin code in the text field to the right og Pin code. If you do not want a pin code just leave the field empty.

Step 17 - Save

When you have filled out the fields you must click on Save at the bottom of the page to finish the creation of your online goodie.

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