How to design a survey goodie
Note: The survey goodie can be used for other purposes than just traditional surveys. You have the opportunity to use this type of goodies for signing up for your events, booking a table in your restaurant, competitions, inquiries from guests during their stay and much more. Overall, the survey goodie can be used for two-way communication.
Step 1 - Go to ‘2. Add goodies’
To create a survey goodie you have to click on 2. Add goodies at the top of the goodiepack designer.
Step 2 - Click ‘Add a goodie’
Then you’ll have to scroll to the bottom of the site and click on the circle that says Add a goodie.
Step 3 - Choose ‘New’ and ‘Survey’
You can now choose to create a new goodie or to choose an existing goodie. Click New.
Then you’re met with an overview of all the types of goodies you can create and here you’ll have to choose Survey.
Step 4 - Design the content of the survey goodie - First step
Now it’s time to design the content of the survey goodie. This happens in two steps and the first step is 1. Reference. In this step you’ll have to fill out all relevant fields.
To add a question to the goodie, click on Add question.
Step 5 - Create your questions
Now you’ll have to fill out the field under Question with the question you want the guest to answer.
Step 6 - Write an explanation
In the text field under Explanation you can fill out an explanation and tell the guests how you want them to answer the question. This text field supports interpolation and you can learn more about this by clicking the icon on the right side of Explanation.
Step 7 - Choose the type of question
Under Question type you have to choose how the guest should answer the question. You have the following options:
Single choice: The guest can only pick one answer among the answer options that you predefine.
Multiple choice: The guest can choose one or more answers among the answer options you predefine.
Text input: The guest can write a short answer which for example could be their name, phone number, number etc.
Free text: The guest can write a longer explanation. This could for example be how their visit has been, their suggestions for improvements etc.
File upload: The guest can upload a picture or a file as their answer. This could be a mood picture from their visit, a picture of a defect you have to deal with etc.
Date input: The guest can answer your question with a date from a calendar that appears when the guest clicks on the answer field.
Number: The guest can answer your question with a number.
Note: You don’t necessarily have to write a question in the text field under Question. You could also write something like “Write your e-mailadress in the field below to sign up for our newsletter” or “Come up with your suggestion for at next event”.
When you have filled out the fields, click Add question.
Step 8 - Further settings
When you’ve added the question you can see it on the page 1. Reference. Here you can see the question, the question type as well as the explanation that you’ve written.
You can also click on the wheel next to the question and then there are further things you can set for the question.
First of all you can choose whether it should be required for the guest to answer the question before they can send in their answer. If you want to make it required, just check the box on the left of Required.
You can also delete the questions by clicking the trashcan on the right side of the question.
Note about the answer types Single choice and Multiple choice
If you’ve chosen the answer type Single choice or Multiple choice, you can now create the predefined answer options for the guest to choose between. You create an answer option by filling out the text field Option.
When you've filled in the text field you can add another answer option by clicking on Add new option and then a new field appears in which you can fill in a new answer option.
When you’ve added more than one answer option you can change the order of them by clicking the three lines on the left side of the question and then drag the answer option to the desired place.
If you would want to delete an answer option you can click the trashcan on the right of the field Option. This becomes possible when you've added more than one answer option.
Note about the answer types Text input and Free text
If you’ve chosen the answer type Text input or Free text you can type in a text in the text field below Placeholder. The text you type in here will be shown in the field in which the guest has to answer the question. Whatever you write here will disappear when the guest begins to type in their answer.
In the text field below Default value you can type in a text that by default will appear in the field where the guest must fill in their answer.
Both the text field below Placeholder and Default Value support interpolation which you can read more about by clicking the icon on the right side of respectively Placeholder and Default value.
In the field under Max length you can indicate the maximum length of an answer.
Note about the answer type Number
If you’ve chosen the answer type Number you can type in a text in Placeholder and Default value as you also could if you choose the answer options Text input and Free text.
If you’ve chosen the answer type Number it is also possible for you to specify minimum and maximum value. The guest will then have to answer the question with a number that is within the range you choose. To specify a minimum and maximum value you have to fill out the fields below respectively Min and Max.
If the guest type in a number that is lower than what you’ve specified in Min, the guest will be met with a text that says that the value has to be higher than X (the number you have typed in in Min). Likewise, the guest will be met with a message that the value can’t be higher than X (the number you have typed in in Max) if the guest types in a number that is higher than the one you typed in in Max.
Step 9 - Add more questions
If you want to add more questions to the goodie you can click Add question and then go through Step 4-8 again.
Step 10 - Save and continue
When you’ve added the questions you want the guest to answer, click Save and continue at the bottom of the page.
Step 11 - Design the content of the survey goodie - Second step
You’re now at the second step called 2. Content. Here, you have to fill out all relevant field but you have to at least fill out the following fields:
- Image
- Titel
- Description
The rest of the fields are optional but you should deal with them as they could make the goodie better and more interesting for the users of your goodiepack.
Step 12 - Upload image
First of all you have to upload an image to your goodie. The image should visualize what the goodie is about so it becomes easier and faster for the guests to see what the different goodies contain. You upload an image to the goodie by clicking on the round circle that says Click to upload new image.
Then you can choose whether you would like to upload a new image or choose an existing image that you have previously used.
When you’ve chosen an image, you can adjust it and then click Accept.
Step 13 - Create a title for the goodie
Then you have to create a title for the goodie by clicking in the field to the right of Titel and typing in an appropriate title that is short and exact. Further, this field supports interpolation and you can learn more about this by clicking the icon to the left of Titel.
Step 14 - Create a subtitle
You can then create a subtitle for your goodie that can elaborate the title and make the goodie more interesting so the guests click on it. You create a subtitle by filling out the text field to the right of Subtitle where you type in an appropriate subtitle that is short and exact. This field also supports interpolation.
Step 15 - Add an offer tag
It is also possible to add an offer tag to the goodie. Note that this does not have to be an actual offer but it can also just be something you wish to highlight about the goodie, for example a date, place, time etc. To add an offer tag you fill out the field to the right of Offer tag with a short and concrete tag. Further, this field supports interpolation.
The text you write in this field will be shown as a small text field on top of the image of the goodie in the goodiepack. See an example below:
Step 16 - Add a description
Then it’s time to add a description to the goodie by filling out the text field to the right of Description. The description should contain relevant information about for example where, when and how the guest uses the goodie. It is possible to adjust the size of the field by dragging the lower right corner of the field.
If you click on the A to the left of Description you can learn how to style the text. You can find information about how to make the text bold and italics, how to add a link, how to make bullet points and how to color the text. Further, this field supports interpolation.
Step 17 - Marketing
If the goodie contains marketing you need to have permission to show it to the guesses. If this goodie contains marketing you have to choose Yes here and if it doesn’t contain marketing you choose No.
If you in the setting for the goodiepack have marked that you do NOT have permission to send out marketing to your guests, then this goodie will have a lock over it if it contains marketing. Thereby, the guests will have to actively press the lock and give their permission before they can see the content of the goodie. If you state that this goodie does not contain marketing it will be shown as usual without any lock on it.
Step 18 - Settings
You have the possibility to choose how many times this goodie can be answered. You do this by clicking Show settings to the right of Settings.
If you leave the fields empty the goodie can be answered over and over again without limitations. You can also set up the goodie to be answered a specific number of times per Goodiepack, hour, day, week or month.
For example, if you want to make it possible to answer the goodie one time every other day you must write 1 in the upper field and 2 in the field underneath. To the right of this field you then select Day. You can see in the image below what it will look like with these settings.
If you choose per GoodiePack then the period will be the entire activation period of the goodiepack. In this case you fill in the number of times the goodiepack can be answered in the upper field and in the field below you write 1.
You can also choose how many times the goodie can be answered across all the shared goodiepacks by filling in the desired number in the field to the left of times in total.
Step 19 - Receive survey answers on email
At last, you can type in the email addresses of the people who should receive the answers of this goodie on mail. You do this by typing in the emails in the field to the right of Receive survey answers on email. If you leave this field empty there won’t be sent any emails with the answers. Instead, you can find all the answers in the goodiepack report. The system will automatically suggest the people that are connected to your organization when you click the field. You can also type in the email addresses yourself.
Step 20 - Save
When you’re done filling out the fields, click Save to finish the creation of your survey goodie.