How to set a closing date on your goodiepack
Step 1 - Go to ‘1. This goodiepack’
To set a closing date on your goodiepack you must first click on 1. This goodiepack at the top of the goodiepack designer.
Step 2 - Set closing date
You then scroll down to the box called Activation period in which you’ll find Closing date. You set a closing date on your goodiepack by clicking the field below Closing date in which you can either type in the desired time and date or choose a date and time from the calendar that appears when clicking the field. It’s also possible to choose one of the predetermined time periods: One Day, One Week or One Month.
Your goodiepack has to be active before it can be shared. When the goodiepack is no longer active, the receivers of it will no longer be able to access the goodiepack.
Step 3 - Save
When you’ve chosen the desired closing date, you must click on Save and continue at the bottom of the site. The closing date on your goodiepack has now been set.